State of Myself: A Presidential Transcript
"Thank you" will revive our culture. I celebrate mothers and sing terrorism, and what I assume you shall assume, for every God belonging to me as good belongs to you.
Corporate America is high. It is proud to enact a new creed: "Let's roll" and deploy effective missile defenses for the mothers huddled over our allies. I thank the flight attendant spotted in a fiscally responsible manner. Shannon, I have found in the videos where they are. I loaf and invite my axis, I lean and loaf with my chairmen observing the missiles of applause.
We've come to the best in tragedy, to Islam's own homes. We will develop vaccines to feel closer. Our nation owns those regimes that we can accumulate. My arms, every flag of my Guantanamo, formed from this alert, these aircraft, born here of aspirations born from parents the same, and their aspirations the same.
I hope to cease not till Iraq. -Ron Starr